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Effetto Mariposa Protective Film Shelter ZeroDue
Effetto Mariposa Protective Film Shelter ZeroDue
Effetto Mariposa Protective Film Shelter ZeroDue

Effetto Mariposa

Effetto Mariposa Protective Film Shelter ZeroDue

Effetto Mariposa

19,99 €

UVP 25,89 € (15)

Lieferung ab Dienstag

Auf lager

19,99 €

Verkauft von Alltricks


Shelter ZeroDue is a very thin (0,2 mm), super lightweight polymeric protector. It easily adapts to difficult geometries and possesses an incredibly high abrasion resistance.
The ideal complement to Shelter Off-Road (1,2 mm) and Shelter Road (0,6 mm), for different protection needs in different areas.

Features :

  • Protects against abrasion (ideal for crankset, top tube…)
  • Easy to apply
  • Perfect adhesion also on curved surfaces
  • Super lightweight (0,02 g per square centimeter)
  • Doesn’t turn yellow over time

Easy to apply :

  • 1.After removing cables or other interfering elements, clean the area where you want to apply Shelter with alcohol and a clean cloth. Remove traces of dried-up alcohol with a clean, dry cloth.
  • 2.Cut and take the suitable Shelter ZeroDue element, remove the printable paper on top but leave the backing liner in place.
  • 3.Peel Shelter backing liner, freeing the adhesive surface (TOUCH THE ADHESIVE SURFACE WITH YOUR FINGERS AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE).
  • 4.Put the Shelter element on the surface you want to protect. Do not apply pressure on Shelter, so that you can re-position the element in case you need to.
  • 5.When all looks goods, make the Shelter element stick on the area you want to protect, applying a firm and constant pressure with your thumbs starting from the center and working your way towards the edges.
  • 6.Take your time on stage 5: make sure no air bubbles or wrinkles appear on the protective material. Shelter ZeroDue can protect your frame/component and preserve its original aspect for a very long time.






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