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PROLOGO Saddle Dimension TRI Tirox Black

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PROLOGO Saddle Dimension TRI Tirox Black



Farbe : Schwarz

+ 2 Farben

115,99 €

UVP 159,90 € (15)

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Lieferung ab Dienstag

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115,99 €

Verkauft von Alltricks


Dimension TRI is a saddle born for TRIATHLON and TIME TRIAL users.
With its size (245x143mm) and competitive weights (Nack:181gr ; Tirox:212gr) this model designed for triathlon and time trial guarantees excellent performance, improving comfort in all phases of pedalling thanks to the ergonomic "V SHAPE" and the new PAS channel, modified in width and depth. These features guarantee a better blood flow eliminating numbness and excessive pressure in the genital - prostatic area. In the CPC versions the “slips” are also eliminated, improving the stability of the athlete and guaranteeing better aerodynamics. The tests carried out on the track and in the wind tunnel with some of the most important professional teams in the world, confirmed an improvement in performance of 5-8%. Foams with variable density, increased by 15% in the upper part and on the tip of the saddle, allow to increase the support surface, dissipating the pressures homogeneously, as well as guaranteeing a greater support area for the antero-ischial area, especially in the maximum aerodynamic position.

Details : 

  • The sitting area has been advanced by 2cm
  • Seat tip is wider than 7mm
  • Use of variable density foams to increase stability and comfort
  • Size (mm): 245 x 143.
  • Weight (gr): 215 g.
  • Rails : Tirox 7 mm.



Gewicht des Herstellers (g) 215
Geschlecht Damen
Sattellänge (mm) 245
Sattelbreite 143
Montage Round Rails
Rail Material Stahl CrMo
Befestigung Yes
Made in Italie





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